
Chapter 7. IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840 features and placement 233
#5074 #5074 PCI Expansion Tower
The #5074 PCI Expansion Tower is attached to Models 820, 830, and 840 for adding up to 45 disk units (15 are “base”, 30
additional with #5101 or #5111), up to 11 PCI IOAs and up to two removable media units. The #5074 includes #9691 or
#2739/#9739 bus adapter to provide the HSL interface to the system, a #9943 Base PCI IOP, space for two removable
media devices, one battery backup, and redundant or hot swap power supplies. The #5074 is capable of controlling Ultra2
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) disk units.
Select two (any combination) of the following HSL cables for the first tower on an HSL loop. For additional towers on an
HSL loop, select one HSL cable per tower:
#1460 - 3 m Copper HSL Cable
#1461 - 6 m Copper HSL Cable
#1462 - 15 m Copper HSL Cable
#1470 - 6 m Optical HSL Cable
#1471 - 30 m Optical HSL Cable
#1472 - 100 m Optical HSL Cable
#1473 - 250 m Optical HSL Cable
#1474 - 6 m HSL to HSL-2 Cable
#1475 - 10 m HSL to HSL-2 Cable
For the Model 820, if the #5074 attaches to HSL port A1 of the system unit, the HSL connection to port A1 cannot exceed
6 m. When a #5074 is present, one #1460 or #1461 must be selected.
Select one of the following SPCN cables per tower:
#0369 100 m Optical SPCN Cable
#1463 - 2 m SPCN Cable
#1464 - 6 m SPCN Cable
#1465 - 15 m SPCN Cable
#1466 - 30 m SPCN Cable
#1468 - 250 m Optical SPCN Cable
One #14xx power cord must be specified (geography dependent).
Maximum: Five on the Model 820, 13 on Model 830, and 23 on Model 840
The #5074 is also supported in Linux partitions with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for POWER or Red Hat Enterprise
Linux AS for POWER Version 3.
Supported on the Model 820, 830, 840
The #5074 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #5074 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 October 2005. The #5094 PCI-X Expansion Tower is the recommended
#5075 #5075 PCI Expansion Tower
The #5075 PCI Expansion Tower is attached to a Model 820 for adding up to six disk units and up to seven PCI IOAs. The
#5075 includes a 32 MB PCI IOP (CCIN 284B) embedded on its backplane. In a Model 820, the seven PCI IOAs are
supported (driven) by the embedded 32 MB PCI IOP and by #2843 PCI IOPs, #2790 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server, or
#2791/#2792/#2799 PCI Integrated xSeries Servers.
The #5075 is capable of controlling Ultra2 SCSI disk units. A #5156 Redundant Power and Cooling feature can be added
to provide a redundant power supply and a cooling fan.
Select two (any combination) of the following HSL cables for the first tower on the Model 820. For additional towers, select
one HSL cable per tower:
#1460 - 3 m Copper HSL Cable
#1461 - 6 m Copper HSL Cable
#1462 - 15 m Copper HSL Cable
The #1462 is not allowed to attach the #5075 PCI Expansion Tower directly to system port A1 on the Model 820. When a
#5075 is present, one #1460 or #1461 must be selected. For the Model 820, if the #5075 attaches to HSL ports A0 or A1,
the HSL cable cannot exceed 6 m.