
348 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
3490 Cartridge Tape Subsystems
Machine Description 9406 models
3490 -
Cartridge Tape Subsystem
The Model A01, A02, D31, and D32 are ½-inch cartridge drives that can be used for data
interchange, save/restore, program distribution, and alternate IPL. They attach to the iSeries with
the #2621 Storage Device Controller or #2644 Magnetic Tape Attachment Card/HP, #2604 for
9406 B models.
The attachment of 3490 Models B02 and B04 is also supported.
Cannot use enhanced capacity cartridge.
B, D, E, F,
2x0, 3x0, 4x0, 50S,
53S, 500, 510, 530,
6x0, Sx0, (not
600/S10), 720, 730,
740, 820, 830, 840
3490 -
Cartridge Tape Subsystem
The Model A10 and A20 are ½-inch cartridge drives that can be used for data interchange,
save/restore, program distribution, and alternate IPL. They attach to the #9406 with feature
#2621 Storage Device Controller or #2644 Magnetic Tape Attachment Card/HP, #2604 for 9406
B models.
The attachment of 3490 Models B02 and B04 is also supported.
Cannot use enhanced capacity cartridge.
B, D, E, F,
2x0, 3x0, 4x0, 50S,
53S, 500, 510, 530,
6x0, Sx0, (not
600/S10), 720, 730,
740,820, 830, 840
3490E -
Cartridge Tape Subsystem
The Model E01 and E11 are ½-inch cartridge tape drives. The E01/E11 tapes have IDRC as
standard, both include a seven Cartridge Stack Loader. Attachment is to a single iSeries or
AS/400e system.
E01 Table Top Version (7x2.4 GB)
E11 Rack Mounted Version (7x2.4 GB)
It attaches using #6501 Tape/Disk Device Controller or #6534 Magnetic Media Controller (SPD),
or #2729/#2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller.
Minimum operating system level to support #2749 attachment: OS/400 V4R5
Minimum operating system level to support #6501 attachment: OS/400 V3R1
Minimum operating system level to support #6534 or #2729 attachment: OS/400 V4R1
D, E, F, 2x0, 3x0, 4x0,
50S, 53S, 500, 510,
530, 6x0, Sx0, 720,
730, 740,170, 250,
270, SB2, SB3, 820,
830, 840
3490E -
Cartridge Tape Subsystem
The Models F00, F01, F11, and F1A are ½-inch cartridge tape drives. These tapes have DRC
as standard. The F01 and F11 have a 10 cartridge stack loader. Attachment is only available to
a single iSeries or AS/400e system.
F00 Table Top (1 x 2.4 GB)
F01 Stand-alone (10 x 2.4 GB)
F11 Rack Mounted Version (10 x 2.4 GB)
F1A Tape Unit for 3494 Tape Library Dataserver
It attaches using #6501 Tape/Disk Device Controller, or #6534 Magnetic Media Controller, or
#2729/#2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller.
Minimum operating system for the #2749 attachment: OS/400 V4R5
Minimum operating system for the #6501 attachment: OS/400 V3R1
Minimum operating system for the #6534 or #2729 attachment: OS/400 V4R1
D, E, F, 2x0, 3x0, 4x0,
50S, 53S, 500, 510,
520, 530, 6x0, Sx0,
720, 730, 740, 170,
250, 270, SB2, SB3,
820, 830, 840