16 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
#2761 #2761 Integrated Analog Modem
The #2761 Integrated Analog Modem allows the modem function to be integrated into the IOA and supports multiple
analog modem ports (eight phone lines). The #2761 runs the following protocols without the need for an external modem:
SLIP/PPP uses V.90, so maximum line speed is 56 Kbps.
SDLC uses V.34, so maximum line speed is 33.6 Kbps.
Fax uses V.17 to achieve a 14.4 Kbps maximum line speed.
An asynchronous line description is required for Fax and can only be used for Fax. An ECS line is not supported. Eight
30-ft (8 m) phone cables are shipped with each #2761. To the iSeries or AS/400e server, the #2761 appears as a single
IOA with eight individual resources available. For configuration purposes, each #2761 counts as eight communications
lines. Allowed in high-speed slots C03 (base unit), E03, E08, or E09 (system expansion unit). Supports full duplex.
Prerequisite: The #2824 PCI Feature Controller is required for attachment to a system expansion unit.
Supports full duplex.
Requirements: The #2761 requires country (region) certification or homologation.
Full sized PCI card slot.
Maximum: One per IOP.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4 with PTF MF22528 or Cumulative PTF Package C9313440.
Not supported with OS/400 V5R2.
The #2761 is a Customer Install Feature for an MES that only includes CIF features.
#2809 #2809 PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP
The #2809 can also be used in the #7101 System Expansion Unit to attach LAN, WAN, and Workstation IOAs to the
system. Refer to the #2809 description in “Workstation controllers” on page 12 for full information about this controller.
#2824 #2824 PCI Feature Controller
The #2824 can be used for attaching LAN, WAN, and Workstation IOAs to the system. Refer to the #2824 description
within “Workstation controllers” on page 12 for full information about this controller.
#4800 #4800 PCI Cryptographic Processor
The #4800 coupled with OS/400 Option 35 and Cryptographic Service Provider APIs, provides rich cryptography function
and secure storage of cryptographic keys. The level of cryptographic function is determined by the Cryptographic Access
Provider Licensed Program, which is downloaded to the adapter.
Due to temperature requirements, the #4800 is shipped separately from the system in a special package.
Prerequisite: #7101 System Expansion Unit with #2824 PCI Feature Controller or #7102 System Expansion Unit
PCI card slot required: One
Maximum: One per IOP.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R4
#9721 #9721 Base PCI 2-Line WAN IOA
The #9721 two-line communications adapter supports ECS and Operations Console or Client Access Console. This
cable must be specified for ECS:
#0348 V.24/EIA232 20-ft. (6 m) PCI cable
This additional cable must be specified for Client Access Console:
#0362 20-ft (6 m) Client Access Console PCI Cable (optional)
Features #0362 and #0367 are mutually exclusive.
A #9721 is used to support the Operations Console function on OS/400 V4R3:
#0367 Operations Console PCI Cable is required.
The #0381 Remote Control Panel Cable can be used to support the Remote Control Panel function. The #0381 cable
does not attach to a communication port.
PCI card slots required: One (low-speed only)
Maximum: One
The #9721 is mutually exclusive with the #9720 and #9745.