Chapter 5. IBM AS/400e 720, 730, and 740 models 187
5.12 Supported upgrades for Models 720, 730, and 740
Upgrades to, from, and within the AS/400e 720, 730, and 740 servers are not supported.
Refer to the Upgrade topic in the Find and Compare Tool (FACT) at the following Web site to
determine the supported upgrade paths for a given processor:
#6534 #6534 Magnetic Media Controller (Ultra SCSI) (SPD)
The #6534 provides attachment for one 3490E Cxx with #5040, 3490E Exx, 3490E Fxx, 3494 D1x or L1x, 3570, 3575,
3580, 3581, 3582, 3583, 3584, 3590, 7208, 9348, and 9427 tape drives or 3995 Optical Library Dataserver - Model C4x.
SPD slots required: One
Minimum operating system to support 3995: OS/400 V4R2
#9728 #9728 Base Disk Unit Controller (Ultra SCSI) CCIN 2728
The #9728 is the Base IOA for the system unit. It provides Ultra SCSI attachment for up to five internal disk units, one
internal CD-ROM (standard) and one internal tape drive. Does not support RAID. Supports the #1349, #1350, #1355,
#1360, #6481, #6482, #6485, or #6490 tape units. Mutually exclusive with #2726, #2740, #2741 PCI RAID Disk Unit
Controller, or #2748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller, in the same system unit. The #9728 does not support integrated
hardware disk compression.
High-speed PCI slots required: One
Maximum: One per system unit
Supported on Model 720
#9751 MFIOP with RAID (Ultra SCSI) CCIN 6751
The #9751 contains function for controlling 20 disk units, one removable media unit and one CD-ROM unit. It has three
IOA slots for controlling LANs, twinaxial workstations, and communications. IOA slot A is reserved for attaching one #2699
2-Line WAN IOA or one #6149 or #6181 LAN IOAs. IOA slot B is reserved for attaching the #9699 Base 2-Line WAN IOA.
IOA slot C is reserved for attaching one #2699 2-Line WAN IOA or one #6180 or #9280 twinaxial IOA. It occupies two card
slots. The #9751 does not support integrated hardware disk compression.
Supported on Models 730 and 740
#9754 #9754 MFIOP with RAID (Ultra SCSI) CCIN 6754
The #9754 is an Ultra SCSI interface for controlling 20 disk units, one removable media unit, and one CD-ROM unit. It has
three IOA slots for controlling LANs, twinaxial workstations, and communications. IOA slot A is reserved for attaching one
#2699 2-Line WAN IOA or one #6149 or #6181 LAN IOA. IOA slot B is reserved for attaching the #9699 Base 2-Line WAN
IOA. IOA slot C is reserved for attaching one #2699 2-Line WAN IOA or one #6180 or #9280 twinaxial IOA. It occupies two
card slots. The #9754 supports integrated hardware disk compression.
Supported on Models 730 and 740