62 Chapter 8 — Interface | Image Window
Image Window
Image windows are the frames that contain your images and provide you with important data which can
help you enhance the image. Image windows are displayed as long as Capture NX 2 is not in the full screen
or presentation modes.
Each image window displays important information about the image:
q Image Name This is the file name you have given the current image.
w Zoom Ratio
The zoom ratio is the current zoom ratio of the image. A value of 100% means you
are looking at the actual image data, while anything lower than 100% is showing
you only a portion of the image. A zoom ratio over 100% is showing you an
enlarged view of the individual pixel details. You can zoom in and out using the
zoom tool, Bird’s Eye palette, or the zoom controls in the Window menu.
e File Size This shows you the size in megabytes of the current image you are working on.
r Color Profile
The color profile area shows you the profile that is currently applied to your image.
You can change the color profile with the Color Profile option in the Adjust
menu. For more information about the Color Profile option, please see the
section “Color Profile” in Chapter 20, “Adjust Menu”.
Cycle through open image windows:
Ctrl + Tab
q w e
r t