10 Chapter 4 — Introduction | Camera Relationship
Camera Relationship
Capture NX 2 was designed to support JPEG and TIFF files and to provide unique features that fully support
Nikon digital cameras, allowing you to change many of the settings selected in your camera. After opening
a NEF RAW file within Capture NX 2, you can view the shooting, camera, and exposure information of the file
within the Metadata palette.
U Point® Technology
A key feature in Capture NX 2 is U Point technology. The controls powered by U Point technology enable
you to modify sections of a photograph directly or control where an enhancement is being applied
selectively, all without having to go through the time-consuming process of creating a selection normally
required in other software applications.
U Point technology has been widely recognized as one of the most revolutionary technologies in the
market today and now that technology powers even more tools in Capture NX 2. U Point technology
provides precise and direct control to a variety of tools within Capture NX 2, providing powerful yet simple
photographic manipulation. U Point technology powers Capture NX 2’s series of control points: the color
control point, the black, neutral, and white control points, the red-eye control point, and the new selection
control point. These control points provide you with the ability to create color and tonal enhancements, fix
issues, or selectively apply photographic enhancements within any image, all being applied directly to the
image and with immediate feedback.
The U Point-powered control points found within Capture NX 2 enable you to work with your images
without the need to perform a complicated series of operations in a particular order.
Control points work by identifying an object based on a number of criteria. When you place your first
control point, U Point technology identifies the unique elements of the object on which you place a control
point, including its position, color, saturation, and texture. By identifying these elements, and in conjunction
with the Size slider, the control point can determine the boundaries of the object in order to affect only that
object and objects with like elements. With every control point that you apply to the image comes greater
control over specific objects in the image. The additional control points ensure that the adjustments you
make are being applied to the current object only, and placing a control point on an object with default
settings prevents other control points from affecting that object. Through a unique mixing function, the
effects of the control points are applied throughout the image so as to create a natural-looking, professional
U Point technology powered tools are designed to make enhancements fast, professional, and of the
highest quality. The results will be nothing short of amazing.