186 Chapter 20 — Adjust Menu | Light > Contrast / Brightness
o Set Black Point
Clicking on this button will change the mouse cursor into a black point dropper cursor. By then clicking on
your image, you will set the black point slider for all three color channels to the value of the color selected
by the black point dropper. Use this tool along with the Double Threshold option of the image
information overlay control within the Histogram section of the Photo Info palette to identify darkest value
in the image that you want to be black. The select black point button will affect both the tonality of the
active image as well as the color balance.
!0 Add Anchor Point
Clicking on this button will change the mouse cursor into an eyedropper cursor. By then clicking on your
image, you will add an anchor point to the curve at the location on the curve that represents the color that
your mouse is hovering over. You can then use the newly created anchor point to enhance your image. Ctrl-
click (Windows) or option-click (Macintosh) to affect the current channel only.
!1 Reset Current Channel
Clicking on this button will reset only the current channel to the default values.
!2 Reset All Channels
Clicking on this button will reset all channels within the Levels & Curves step to their default values.
!3 Temporary Cancel
As long as you hold this button down, the effect of the Levels & Curves step will be temporarily hidden.
Light > Contrast / Brightness
The Contrast / Brightness step was designed specifically
to provide you with an efficient method of adjusting both
the contrast and brightness elements of your images while
maintaining a high level of quality. The Contrast /
Brightness step is a perfect way to produce quick contrast
or brightness effects that you can selectively add to your
image using one of the selection tools.
The Contrast / Brightness tool provides you with the
following controls:
The Contrast slider provides you with the ability to affect the contrast of your image. The contrast
algorithm was designed to prevent unwanted color shifts from occurring. Moving this slider to the left will
decrease the contrast throughout the image, while moving the slider to the right will increase contrast.
Ctrl + L (Windows)
command + L (Macintosh)