82 Settings | Control Panel Options
MX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3XRG-H
Option Function
Password Set access password properties for signon and/or screen saver.
PC Connection Control the connection between the mobile device and a local desktop or
laptop computer.
PCMCIA Network card in Slot 0, Internal ATA in Slot 2.
Power Set Power scheme properties. Review device status and properties.
Regional Settings Set appearance of numbers, currency, time and date based on country
region and language settings.
Remove Programs Select to remove specific user installed programs in their entirety. Note:
Programs listed in this location are deleted upon warm and cold boot
Scanner Set scanner keyboard wedge, scanner icon appearance, active scanner
port, and scan key settings. Assign baud rate, parity, stop bits and data
bits for available COM ports.
See section titled “Determine Your Scanner Software Version”.
Storage Manager Manage storage devices, create partitions.
Stylus Set double-tap sensitivity properties and/or calibrate the touch panel.
System Review System and Computer data and revision levels. Adjust Storage
and Program memory settings. Enter device name and description.
Review copyright notices.
Terminal Server
Client Licenses
(CE 5.0 only) Select a server client license from a drop down list (Not
available at this release).
Volume and Sounds Enable/disable volume and sounds. Set volume parameters and assign
sound wav files to CE events.
Note: Change the font displayed on the screen by choosing Start | Settings | Control Panel |
Keyboard and then the Key map dropdown list.
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | About
Displays hardware and software details.
Tab Title Contents
Software GUID, Windows CE Version, OAL Version, Bootloader Version, Compile
Version, FPGA Version and Language. Language indicates any pre-installed
Asian fonts.
Hardware CPU Type, Codec Type, FPGA Version, Scanner type, Display, Flash memory,
and DRAM memory
Versions LXE Utilities, LXE Drivers, LXE Image, LXE API, .NET Compact Framework
version, and Internet Explorer.
Network IP Current network connection IP and MAC address.
User application version information can be shown in the Version window. Version window
information is taken from the registry.