Key Maps 265
E-EQ-MX3XRG-H MX3X Reference Guide
Keycomp Error Messages
Most error messages will specify the line within the keymap source file where the error occurred.
Duplicate key
A COLxROWx code was found in a MAP table, but that COL/ROW already has a value assigned.
GENERAL section must come before MAP
The GENERAL section must come first, or at least before any MAP sections. The GENERAL
section defines parameters which are needed to process Maps
Header line missing close bracket
The section header line must have square brackets before and after the section name
Header line missing open bracket
The section header line must have square brackets before and after the section name
Invalid ACTION code %s
The key scan code is specified as ACTION+code, but the ACTION code parsed is not recognized.
The following values are valid: SCAN1, SCAN2, SCAN3, POWER, or BACKLIGHT.
Invalid keycode %s
The keycode parsed is not recognized. The following values are valid:
• VK code from the VK code table (below)
• 'x' where x is an ASCII code (e.g. 'A' or '#').
• OPEN for unused entries (will not do anything when pressed)
Invalid MAP value %s
The MAP value parsed is not one the following list: MAP_NORMAL, MAP_2ND, MAP_SHIFT,
Invalid MAPCNT (1-%d valid)
The specified MAPCNT exceeds the limits of the KEYCOMP compiler.
Invalid MAPCOLS (1-%d valid)
The specified MAPCOLS exceeds the limits of the KEYCOMP compiler.
Invalid MAPROWS (1-%d valid)
The specified MAPROWS exceeds the limits of the KEYCOMP compiler.
Invalid ROWCOL format
A COLxROWx was expected, but the format was not correct. The only valid formats are:
COLxROWx, COLxxROWx, COLxROWxx, or COLxxROWxx, where xx are decimal numeric
digits (0-9).