90 Settings | Control Panel Options
MX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3XRG-H
Input Panel
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Input Panel
Select the current key / data input method.
Factory Default Settings
Input Method Keyboard
Allow applications to
change input panel state
Keys Small keys
Use gestures Disabled
Use this option to make the Soft Keyboard or the integrated keypad primarily available when
entering data. Selecting Keyboard enables both.
Enable the input panel by checking “Allow applications to change the input panel’s state”. Then
tap the OK button.
Tap the Options button to set the size of the keys displayed on-screen and whether transcriber
gestures are enabled or disabled.
Tap the “OK” button to save any changes and exit, or tap the “X” button to exit without saving
any changes. Tap the “?” button for Help. Warmboot the device to store the changed setting.
Note: Check with your LXE representative for language packs as they become available.
Internet Options
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Internet Options
Windows CE .NET 4.2
Set General, Connection, Security and Advanced options for internet connectivity. Select a tab.
Adjust the settings and tap the OK box to save the changes. Changes are saved from tab to tab.
Tap the Clear Cache or Clear History buttons to clear files that have been downloaded to the
mobile device during internet use. The changes take effect immediately. Help is not available for
this option.
Factory Default Settings
Start Page http://www.lxe.com/
Search Page http://www.google.com
Cache Size 512 Kb
Use LAN Disabled
Autodial Name Blank
Proxy Server Disabled
Allow cookies Enabled
Allow TLS 1.0 security Disabled
Allow SSL 2.0 security Enabled
Allow SSL 3.0 security Enabled
Warn when switching Enabled
Display web images Enabled
Play web sounds Enabled