98 Settings | Control Panel Options
MX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3XRG-H
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Power
Set Power Off, Backlight properties. Review battery status and perform backup battery
charging/discharging. Adjust the settings and tap the OK box to save the changes. Changes are
saved across tabs. Tap the “X” box to discard any changes. Tap the “?” for Help. The changes take
effect immediately.
Note: Control Panel parameters established in Power Properties affect the mobile device
operating system.
Factory Default Settings
Turbo Enabled
Schemes – Battery Power
User Idle 3 seconds
System Idle 15 seconds
Suspend 5 minutes
Schemes – AC Power
User Idle 2 minutes
System Idle 2 minutes
Suspend 5 minutes
Please refer to Chapter 2 "Physical Description and Layout" section titled "Power Modes".
The mode timers are cumulative. The System Idle timer begins the countdown after the User Idle
timer has expired and the Suspend timer begins the countdown after the System Idle timer has
expired. When the User Idle timer is set to “Never”, the power scheme timers never place the
device in User Idle, System Idle or Suspend modes (even when the device is idle).
Because of the cumulative effect, and using the Battery Power Scheme Defaults listed above:
• The backlight turns off after 3 seconds of no activity,
• The display turns off after 18 seconds of no activity (15sec + 3sec),
• And the device enters Suspend after 5 minutes and 18 seconds of no activity.
The Battery tab shows the status and the percentage of power left in the main battery (removable).
It also shows the status of the internal backup battery. The listed values cannot be changed by the