154 Advanced
MX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3XRG-H
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner
If your scanner applet has a “Barcode” tab instead of an “Advanced” tab, please see section titled
“Barcode Manipulation” at the beginning of this chapter.
Factory Default Settings
Factory Default Settings
Port 1 Internal
Port 2 Disabled
Power Port 1 while asleep Disabled
Send key messages WEDGE Enabled
Bluetooth Disabled (Not supported)
Output enable Disabled (dimmed)
Left Scan
Right Enter
COM Ports (COM1- COM2 – COM3)
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Data Bits 8
Advanced or Barcode
Translate Disabled
Strip Leading 0 characters
Strip Trailing 0 characters
Prefix Disabled
Suffix Disabled
Advanced Barcode Processing Disabled
• If the internal scanner has to be configured to operate at any communication settings other
than 9600, N, 8, 1 and the MX3X either loses power or a cold boot command is entered,
the Scanner applet must be reconfigured to match the scanner communication settings.
• ActiveSync will not work over a COM port if that COM port is enabled in the Scanner
applet as scanner input. For example, if COM 1 is being used by the scanner, COM 1 can’t
be used by any other program.
• The MX3P does not have an integrated scanner or RFID capability.
• Bluetooth Manager, Bluetooth service or options are not available for all MX3X devices or
in all MX3X software releases.