
154 Advanced
MX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3XRG-H
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner
If your scanner applet has a “Barcode” tab instead of an “Advanced” tab, please see section titled
“Barcode Manipulation” at the beginning of this chapter.
Factory Default Settings
Factory Default Settings
Port 1 Internal
Port 2 Disabled
Power Port 1 while asleep Disabled
Send key messages WEDGE Enabled
Bluetooth Disabled (Not supported)
Output enable Disabled (dimmed)
Left Scan
Right Enter
COM Ports (COM1- COM2 – COM3)
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Data Bits 8
Advanced or Barcode
Translate Disabled
Strip Leading 0 characters
Strip Trailing 0 characters
Prefix Disabled
Suffix Disabled
Advanced Barcode Processing Disabled
If the internal scanner has to be configured to operate at any communication settings other
than 9600, N, 8, 1 and the MX3X either loses power or a cold boot command is entered,
the Scanner applet must be reconfigured to match the scanner communication settings.
ActiveSync will not work over a COM port if that COM port is enabled in the Scanner
applet as scanner input. For example, if COM 1 is being used by the scanner, COM 1 can’t
be used by any other program.
The MX3P does not have an integrated scanner or RFID capability.
Bluetooth Manager, Bluetooth service or options are not available for all MX3X devices or
in all MX3X software releases.