go to the Offline state. This time is needed to move the cartridges to the
high-capacity output facility from the storage cells. If a high-capacity
operation is in progress, the operator is prompted to cancel the operation. If
the operator does not cancel the high-capacity operation, the Offline request
is cancelled.
Note: Online to Offline State — not allowed if an Export or an Import operation is in
progress. A pop-up message will be displayed alerting the operator to do one
of the following:
v Wait for the operation to complete.
v Cancel the operation from the host.
v Cancel the operation by selecting “Cancel VTS Export/Import” from the
Commands/System Management pulldown.
Figure 48 on page 104 shows the pop-up message with these three options.
Initialization Complete State to Online or Offline State
During the initialization complete state, the library manager determines which
operational state to enter. The determination is made by examining the database.
The steps taken during the transition are the same as for an operator request as
described in “Offline State to Online State” on page 72 or “Online State to Offline
State” on page 72.
Offline State to Shutdown Pending State
A request to enter the shutdown pending state is made through an operator
request. No actions are taken during the change.
Informational State Transitions
One or more information states may be active at any time in the tape library. When
an informational state is entered or left, and the tape library is in the Online state, a
notification indicating the change is sent to all attached hosts. Most of the states are
a condition in the 3494, and no actions are performed during the change into or out
of the state.
The following describes any additional steps performed during the change into or
out of a state:
When a component of the tape library becomes available, the library
manager determines whether any other components are unavailable. If all
components are now available, the tape library leaves the degraded state.
Safety interlock open
When a safety interlock (front door) is open, the library manager examines
the condition of the tape library to determine whether the interlock opening
was expected or unexpected. If the opening was unexpected, the tape
library is forced into Pause mode.
Intervention required
When a condition requiring intervention is corrected, the library manager
determines whether any other intervention requirements exist. If none exist,
the tape library leaves the intervention-required state.
Chapter 4. Operational Modes and States, and Informational States 73