Table 22. Intervention Required Conditions relating to a Virtual Tape Server in the Library (continued)
Intervention Required Condition Resolution Actions
Mount of logical volume xxxxxx failed because
physical volume yyyyyy is not in the library. (rc=rrrr)
(VTS z)
Probable Cause
To satisfy a logical volume mount request, the logical
volume must be recalled from a physical volume. At the
time the logical volume mount request was processed,
the physical volume required could not be found in the
library manager inventory.
1. Contact your service representative.
2. Locate the physical volume and insert it into the
Mount of logical volume xxxxxx located on physical
volume yyyyyy failed. (rc=rrrr) (VTS z)
Probable Cause
To satisfy a logical volume mount request, the logical
volume must be recalled from a physical volume. The
mount of the physical volume could not be completed and
the VTS subsystem could not determine the exact reason
for the failure.
1. Contact your System Administrator
2. For Dual Library Manager systems containing a VTS,
this intervention may be the result of a Library
Manager switchover. When a Library Manager
switchover occurs, queued or in-progress logical
mounts are not completed. This results in the VTS
asking the Library Manager to post this intervention. If
this is the case, clear the intervention and re-drive the
mount from the host.
Stacked volume xxxxxx is in Read-Only status with a
reason code of yyyyy. (VTS z)
Probable Cause
During a prior read or write operation with the volume
(recall of a logical volume, copying of a virtual volume, or
routine reclamation of a stacked volume), a permanent
media error was detected by the VTS, or an excessive
number of temporary media errors have occurred. The
volume is placed in read-only status to prevent further
writing of customer data. Customer data already on the
volume remains accessible.
1. This Intervention Required notification will be given for
the first volume to be placed in read-only status within
a 24 hour period. Your service representative should
only be contacted after your system administrator has
been notified as described in messages
volume xxxxxx was not fully recovered from damaged
stacked volume yyyyyy. (VTS z)
A damaged
stacked volume xxxxxx has been ejected to the
convenience I/O station. (VTS z)
, and it is necessary
to recover a damaged logical volume.
Stacked Volume xxxxxx is unavailable with a reason
code of yyyyy. (VTS z)
Probable Cause
During the reclamation process, a stacked volume was
made unavailable. The volume will subsequently be
placed in read-only status.
1. This message should be considered informational
since the subsequent processing of read-only status
volumes may result in transparent recovery. Your
service representative should be contacted only when
recovery of a logical volume is necessary after having
received the message
Logical volume xxxxxx was not
fully recovered from damaged stacked volume yyyyyy.
(VTZ z)
Chapter 8. Problem Determination Procedures 301