Table 22. Intervention Required Conditions relating to a Virtual Tape Server in the Library (continued)
Intervention Required Condition Resolution Actions
Virtual Tape System z has a CHECK1 (xxxx) failure.
Probable Cause
An error was detected in Virtual Tape Server z that
cannot be recovered. The error could be a result of
hardware or internal software problems. The Virtual Tape
Server Controller will automatically restart itself. Any host
jobs using virtual volumes and devices are abended and
any data that has not been written to the Tape Volume
Cache is lost.
1. Record the error code and contact your service
2. The Virtual Tape Server will restart itself.
3. Restart all active host jobs.
Free storage threshold has been crossed. (VTS z)
Probable Cause
The available free space in Virtual Tape Server z has
fallen below the threshold set through the Set VTS
Management Policies panel on the library manager.
1. Insert more 3590 cartridges into the library. Make sure
their volume serial numbers are within the range of
stacked volumes defined for Virtual Tape Server
reporting the condition.
2. The VTS Active Data panel for Virtual Tape Server will
be updated to reflect any newly added stacked
volumes on the hour.
During the disaster recovery process, a stacked
volume xxxxxx and has been ejected. (VTS z)
Probable Cause
During the disaster recovery process, Virtual Tape Server
z could not read the recovery information on stacked
volume xxxxxx. Error recovery was unsuccessful. The
media may have been damaged during the disaster. The
cartridge is placed in the convenience I/O station.
1. Remove the cartridges from the I/O station.
2. If possible, repair the cartridge and place in the
convenience I/O station.
Database restore from stacked volume xxxxxx failed,
attempting restore from next most recent. (VTS z)
Probable Cause
During the disaster recovery process, Virtual Tape Server
z could not successfully recover the database from
stacked volume xxxxxx. Error recovery was unsuccessful.
The media may have been damaged during the disaster.
1. Notify your System Administrator.
Insert of logical volume xxxxxx failed during disaster
recovery. (VTS z)
Probable Cause
During the disaster recovery process, logical volume
xxxxxx could not be added to the library manager
inventory. It may be because the volser is already in the
inventory or the library is already at the logical volume
limit or the volser conflicts with a physical volume’s volser
that is already in the library.
1. Notify your system administrator.
298 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide