Usage The tape subsystem drives are cleaned after a specified number of mounts
on a per drive basis.
The operator settings do not affect the cleaning caused by tape drive performance.
The tape subsystem control unit examines tape drive performance to determine if a
drive must be cleaned. When the tape subsystem control unit determines that a
drive must be cleaned, the tape subsystem control unit informs the library manager
to place a clean operation in the operations queue.
When the clean operation is executed, the next least-recently used cleaner volume
is selected from the appropriate cleaner-volume category and mounted on the drive.
When the volume is unloaded after the clean operation, the host systems are
notified that a cleaning operation completed.
Cleaner Cartridge Replacement at End-of-Life
Cleaner cartridges are automatically ejected from the library when they are used the
maximum number of times specified in the Clean Schedule window.
When the number of mounts of a cleaner cartridge equals the number of allowed
uses, that cartridge is automatically ejected and placed in the Convenience
Input⁄Output Station. All attached hosts are notified that a cleaner volume was
ejected from the 3494. If the library is out of cleaner cartridges and a drive must be
cleaned, all attached hosts are notified the 3494 is out of cleaner volumes. Operator
intervention is posted on the library manager console.
A value can be specified for the maximum uses of a cleaner cartridge before it is
ejected from the 3494. For 3490E, the default is 200 and the maximum allowed is
500. For 3590, the recommended usage is 100.
Errors related to the handling of a cleaner volume are not reported to the host; they
are logged by the library manager.
Clean Schedule Panel Controls
The Clean Schedule pop-up window (see Figure 89 on page 157) allows you to
schedule cleaning of the tape drives by either time or usage.
156 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide