Clean based on time
This radio button selects the Timed clean area of the window. Select the
Days to clean and Time of day fields for entering time parameters.
Clean based on usage
This radio button selects the Usage clean area of the window for entering
numbers. Specify drive cleaning in the Enter the number of mounts
before the drive clean operation field.
The selections are as follows:
Usage clean
Specify that tape drives are cleaned after a certain number of mounts on a
per-drive basis. The default is 500.
Days to clean
Specify the days during a week when cleaning is to be initiated.
Time of day
Specify the time of the day when cleaning is to be started. Enter the time of
day in the fields provided based on a 24-hour clock, for example, 16:00 is
4:00 p.m.
Maximum cleaner usage
For both time and usage based cleans a maximum cleaner usage must be
entered. Change the maximum number of times that cleaner volumes are
used before they are automatically ejected from the 3494. For 3490E, the
default is 200 and the maximum allowed is 500. For 3590, the
recommended usage maximum is 100.
OK Set the new clean schedule.
Close the pop-up window without changing the cleaning schedule.
Help Display the help information.
Figure 89. Clean Schedule Pop-Up Window
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 157