Summary pop-up window (Figure 43 on page 98) shows the Convenience I/O
Mode of Import or Insert.
Using the Convenience Input⁄Output Station Import Mode
When the Convenience Input⁄Output Station is in Import Mode, any J-type cartridge
(High Performance Cartridge Tape) that is inserted into the Convenience
Input⁄Output Station will be added to the Unassigned category of the library.
Exported Stacked Volumes are J-type cartridges that contain logical volumes that
have been exported from a VTS. In order to import logical volumes, those
cartridges that are Exported Stacked Volumes must be moved by an operator into
the Import category of the library after having been input into the library. To use the
Convenience Input⁄Output Station in Import mode, an operator must:
1. Input cartridges into the library as described previously for use of the
Convenience Input⁄Output Station.
2. If any of the cartridges are J-type, observe the Manage Unassigned Volumes
pop-up window (see Figure 129 on page 202), which will be automatically
presented. All J-type cartridges will be displayed in the Unassigned category.
CST and ECCST cartridges will have been input in the Insert category of the
library and will not be displayed.
3. Exported Stacked Volumes in the Unassigned category that will be used for an
Import operation must be moved into the Import category using the Manage
Unassigned Volumes pop-up window.
4. J-type cartridges that are being inserted for use as stacked volumes in a VTS
must be moved into the Insert category. The Manage Unassigned Volumes
pop-up window provides this capability as well as the Volser ranges pushbutton
Figure 34. Inserting Cartridges in the Convenience Input⁄Output Station
Chapter 5. Basic Operating Procedures 79