VTS Physical Device Mount History
Figure 74 shows the VTS Physical Device Mount History window.
The VTS Physical Device Mount History Data window displays a graph showing the
minimum, average, and maximum number of physical drives used at one time to
mount stacked volumes. A separate graph is available for each VTS in the Library.
Data is displayed for the previous 24 hours. The current hour’s data is designated
by the diamond shaped marker.
This data can be used to determine if there are a sufficient number of physical
drives to handle the mount workload. It can also be used to determine if the mount
workload should be shifted such that the mounts requiring a recall (mounting of a
stacked volume) be redistributed to other times of the day.
The VTS Physical Device Mount History window has the following pull-downs
available from its action bar:
Refreshes or updates the contents of the window immediately. You can also
click the pointing device on the client area of the window.
Help Provides help about the VTS Physical Device Mount History window.
Figure 74. VTS Physical Device Mount History Pop-Up Window
128 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide