Import List Volume
Just as with the Export List volume, the Import List volume format is described in
hierarchical form in the tables below. Start with Table 36, then proceed as directed
to the portion(s) of interest. All character fields within the volume are in EBCDIC.
Field contents specified in quotes are EBCDIC characters. The volume must be
written with compaction turned off.
Table 36. Import List Volume
Volume Contents Description
Volume Label See Table 24 on page 308
Import List File See Table 37
Import Status File See Table 40 on page 316
Tape Mark
Table 37. Import List File
Length Name Description
80 Data Set Header 1 Table 32 on page 312
80 Data Set Header 2 Table 33 on page 312
Tape Mark
80 Import List File
Table 38
N*80 Import List File
Table 39 on page 315. N>0, N<=50K. N is a variable
number of file records.
Tape Mark
80 End of File 1 Table 34 on page 313
80 End of File 2 Table 35 on page 313
Tape Mark
Table 38. Import List File Identifier
Bytes Name Description
0–10 Title Text “IMPORT LIST”
11 Field Delimiter Blank character
12–13 Version “01”
14 Blank Blank character
15–30 User Field This 16 byte field is not checked or used by the control
31–79 Retained, Not
This field is not checked or used by the control unit
The format of the Import List File record is designed to allow for ease of use. It is
expected that a customer may manually input the needed information and the
format needs to be tolerant of the location of the fields in the record. Each list file
record contains up to three fields separated by delimiters. The fields “physical
volser”, “logical volser”, and “Import Option” must appear in that order, separated by
a field delimiter. If the record is not equal to 80 bytes, the record is not processed
and a Status File record is written with a status code of X'24'. The first 13 bytes or
less of data from the record as read is provided in the Status File record. If only
314 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide