Cartridge Storage Cells
The cartridge cell locations are named so the operator can find the cartridges
during Manual mode operation. The cell name consists of three values: a wall
number, a column letter, and a row number. For example, Figure 19 shows cell
location 2 A 1.
Figure 20 on page 25 shows the cartridge storage cell labeling.
Wall number
The wall numbers 3 that are even-numbered represent the walls on the
front doors of the library. The wall numbers that are odd-numbered
represent the walls on the rear of the library.
Column letters
The column letters 1 range from A to E and are labeled from left to right.
Note: The control unit frame has only four columns; therefore, the letter
range is from A to D.
Row numbers
The row numbers 2 range from 1 to 20 or from 1 to 40, depending on the
frame and the wall. The numbers start with 1 at the top of the frame and
end at 40 for the lowest row.
Figure 19. Cartridge Storage Cell Names
24 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide