representative handling. See “Failure and Exception Condition Reporting” for
the conditions and required actions.
2. Console messages concerning the library are being generated.
v A failure or exception condition occurred while the library is performing one or
more requested operations. The library reports the condition to the host which
generates a host console message to inform the operator that a problem
exists with the library. See “Failure and Exception Condition Reporting” for
the conditions and required actions.
v The library manager console provides information about many of the failure
and exception conditions reported to the host. Although the host console
messages are the primary source for problem determination, the information
at the library manager is useful during operator and service representative
problem resolution. See “Information Provided at the Library Manager
Console” on page 276 for the information and required actions.
3. A service representative has requested time on the library to correct a problem.
In addition to possible host console messages, failures and exception conditions
caused by hardware failures in the library or associated tape subsystems are
logged in the error recording dataset on the host. MVS hosts, for example, log
errors in file SYS1.LOGREC. A service representative reviews the datasets as
part of normal diagnosis. Also, when errors that are recovered internally by the
library exceed a threshold, the condition is also logged for action by the service
The primary indication that a problem has occurred is a host console message. The
following topic describes what actions to take based on specific console messages.
Failure and Exception Condition Reporting
Failures or exception conditions detected by the library are reported to the attached
hosts for operator action. Most failures or exception conditions are also logged at
the host for later use by a service representative. Failures or exception conditions
fall into one of three categories:
1. A failure or exception condition is detected in a request from a host to perform a
library function.
The requested function is rejected and the reason is reported back to the host
2. Some library function requests, such as mounting a cartridge, are queued within
the library manager for subsequent execution. A failure or exception condition
can be detected during the execution of a queued library function request.
The host that requested the library function is notified that a failure or exception
condition was detected during the execution of the request. The notification also
includes the reason for the failure or exception condition.
3. A failure or exception condition is detected that is independent of any specific
requested library function.
All hosts attached to the library are notified of the failure or exception condition.
When a failure or exception condition is reported to the host, the result is
dependent on the host’s operating system. For an MVS host, the reported condition
results in a console message. “DFSMS System Managed Tape Messages” on
page 268 describes the console message generated by the MVS operating system
under the DFSMS System Managed Tape environment as a result of a library
260 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide