Manage Import Volumes
This panel allows the operator to move physical volumes (J-type) in the Import
category to the Insert category, or if desired, eject the volumes from the library.
The following are the push-buttons:
Select All
Selects all volumes within the current list box.
De-select All
De-selects all volumes within the current list box.
Moves the selected volumes to the Import category list box.
Insert Moves the selected volumes to the Insert category list box.
Eject Moves the selected volumes to the Eject category list box.
Take Action
Confirms and activates a request to move volumes to the selected category.
Close the panel without saving any of the changes.
Volser Ranges
Brings up the Volser Range Panel. See Figure 94 on page 162.
Refreshes the screen.
Help Provides additional help for this screen.
Figure 130. Manage Import Volumes Pop-Up Window
204 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide