used to add or modify a range. An error message is displayed if there is a
problem with the new or modified range.
Delete range
Deletes the highlighted range from the list of ranges. You are prompted to
confirm the delete operation. Select Yes to perform the range delete. Select
No to cancel the range delete.
Volser in range?
Checks to see if the volser entered in the “From” entry field is in a defined
range. If so, the range is highlighted in the list box.
Total volsers in range
Computes the number of physical volumes that are within a highlighted
Close the volser range panel. All changes to the ranges are saved.
Help Display this help panel.
Insert VTS Logical Volumes
The Insert VTS Logical Volumes pop-up window allows the insert of logical volumes
into a VTS library. With the Warp 4.0 operating system, up to a total of 150,000
logical volumes can be inserted into the 3494 library (with prior versions of the
operating system, up to 50,000 logical volumes can be inserted). For information on
determining which operating system you have, see “Using the Help Pull-Down” on
page 94 and 95.
Volsers must be unique within a physical library. A logical volume’s volser cannot
match another logical or physical volume’s volser. If a duplicate volser is
encountered, the duplicate is not inserted.
Note: On High Availability machines, dual write mode is suspended during the
insert operation if more than 1000 volumes are being inserted.
To insert logical volumes:
1. Enter a volser or range of volsers to be inserted into the library.
2. Select the cartridge type to be emulated.
3. Select which VTS library the volumes are to be inserted into.
4. Select the Insert button.
This panel has the following controls:
Volser 1 and 2 entry fields
Volser entry fields must contain six alphanumeric characters. The 2 volsers
must be entered in the same format. Corresponding characters in each
volser must both be either alphabetic or both be numeric. For example,
AAA998 and AAB004 are of the same form, whereas AA9998 and AAB004
are not.
The volser is incremented where alphabetic characters are incremented
alphabetically and numeric characters are incremented numerically. For
example, volser range ABC000 through ABD999 would result in an insert of
2000 volsers (ABC000 - ABC999 and ABD000 - ABD999).
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 163