demount volumes without host interaction option was selected when the
device was set up as a stand-alone device. The ICL mode status is
displayed as Yes if this option was selected and displayed as No if the
option was not selected.
The current status of the device is displayed here.
Close This selection removes this window from the display.
Help Displays the help for this panel.
Insert Unlabeled Cartridges
Note: Do not use this function with cartridges with machine-readable labels.
The Insert Unlabeled Cartridges operation is designed to allow the operator to insert
volumes into the library manager database that do not have an external machine
readable label. These volumes may be used in the same manner that regular,
properly labelled, volumes are used, except for operations requiring an external
machine readable label. To insert unlabeled cartridges, follow these steps:
1. Ensure the Convenience Input⁄Output Station is empty.
2. Enter the volsers and the cartridge type of all the cartridges to be inserted in the
spaces on the Insert Unlabeled Cartridges pop-up window. Figure 117 on
page 185 shows the Insert Unlabeled Cartridges pop-up window.
Note: If a volume with a machine readable label is inserted with a different
volser entered on the pop-up window, problems will occur during a
subsequent Inventory or Inventory Update operation.
3. Place the cartridges in the Convenience Input⁄Output Station in the same
sequence as represented on the pop-up window and close the Convenience
Input⁄Output Station door.
4. Select the OK button.
Each volser entered is checked to ensure it is a valid number and that no other
cartridge in the library has the same number. The validity of the cartridge type is
also checked. Valid characters for an unlabeled cartridge volser are alphanumeric
characters plus the following special characters: –#&$@. The cartridges are then
inserted into the library. After all the cartridges are inserted into the library, the
operation may be repeated.
If the misplaced or inaccessible flags are set for an existing volser in the library,
the cartridge is inserted and the flags are cleared.
5. Select Cancel to cancel the Insert Unlabeled Cartridges operation.
The Insert Unlabeled Cartridge function can be used to insert empty stacked
volumes for a VTS. To be successful, the volser must fall into a stacked volume
volser range (see Figure 117 on page 185) and the media type must be a “J”.
However, it is recommended that the Insert Unlabeled cartridge function NOT be
used for stacked volumes in normal operations. It should only be used for
re-inserting volumes that have a damaged external label.
184 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide