
shown in priority order with the highest priority command at the top of the list.
Commands to be promoted are selected by highlighting. If a command is selected
for promotion and the command is already in progress, the command is not
promoted. The list box is automatically updated when a command is promoted. The
following are the push-buttons:
Promotes all highlighted commands to the top of the priority 2 queue.
Closes the pop-up window. Any promoted commands stay promoted.
Help Provides additional information about the Promote Commands pop-up
Select Inserts
Highlights all Insert commands for volumes entered through the
Convenience Input⁄Output Station.
Volser Range for Media Types
This panel allows the entry of up to 50 volser ranges and associated media types.
The volser ranges are used to help determine a physical volume’s media type when
it is inserted into the library. When a range is added or modified, the system
automatically combines overlapping ranges with the same media type and checks
for range conflicts.
When a volser range changes, the media types for existing volumes in the library
do not change. Volumes inserted subsequently will reflect the new set of ranges
and associated media types. A volser range cannot conflict with existing volsers of a
different media type.
A volume’s media type is determined by using the following rules:
1. The media type returned by the vision system is used as a first choice.
2. If the media type returned is for an HPCT type cartridge and there is more than
one logical library in the physical library, the volser ranges are used to
determine to which logical library the volume is assigned.
3. The volser ranges are used to determine a volume’s media type if it cannot be
determined by the vision system. If the volume being inserted appears within
one of the ranges, the range’s associated media type is used. The search of the
ranges is an inclusive search.
4. The system uses the default media type defined during the teach process to
determine the media type if the volser does not fall into one of the ranges.
5. The volume is ejected if there is no default media type.
To add a range, enter the two volsers, select a media type and select the
Add/Modify range button.
To modify a range, double-click the mouse on the range, modify the volsers, select
the media type, and select the Add/Modify range button.
To delete a range, double-click the mouse on the range, and select the Delete
range button.
To determine if a volser is in a range, enter the volser in the “From” entry field and
select the Volser in range? button.
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 161