high-capacity output facility. The part of the tape
library used to unload large numbers of cartridges from
the tape library.
high-capacity input/output (I/O) facility. The part of
the tape library used to load/unload large numbers of
cartridges from the tape library.
home cell. A fixed location that is assigned to a
cartridge when it is first inserted into the library.
home position. A position the cartridge accessor goes
to when entering Pause mode. Home position is located
at the far left side of the control unit frame.
host system. A data-processing system that is used to
prepare programs and the operating environments for
use on another computer or controller.
IPL. Initial program load.
icon. A pictorial representation of an object or a
selection choice. Icons can represent objects that users
want to work on or actions that users want to perform.
system menu icon
Import. The VTS Import operation allows logical
volumes to be moved to a VTS from another VTS. The
source VTS can be in the same tape library or in a
different tape library.
improved data recording capability (IDRC). A data
recording mode that can increase the effective cartridge
data capacity and the effective data rate if invoked.
initial program load (IPL). The initialization procedure
that causes an operating system to commence
insert. The operation of adding cartridges to the tape
library. See also
internet protocol (IP). A form of LAN communications
inventory. The operation of identifying the location of
each tape cartridge contained in the tape library.
invoke. To start a command, procedure or program.
The request for a feature or function to be utilized in
future processing activities through the use of software
or hardware commands.
light-emitting diode (LED). (1) A semiconductor chip
that gives off visible or infrared light when activated. (2)
A light that signals a change in status or the presence
of a certain predefined condition.
library manager. The controller for the IBM 3494 Tape
Library. It manages the location of tape cartridges,
monitors performance, issues commands to the
hardware, displays status, and performs other functions.
It communicates with host systems through the Library
Attachment Facility in each 3490E Subsystem and
provides operator and service panel functions.
load. (1) The process, performed by an operator or by
the cartridge accessor, of placing a cartridge into a
location within the tape library for later use or retrieval.
(2) The term used when describing the action of the
tape transport when it removes the leader block from a
cartridge and threads the media through the internal
tape path.
local area network (LAN). A computer network
located on a user’s premises within a limited
geographical area. Communications within a LAN are
not subject to external regulations; however,
communications across a LAN boundary may be subject
to regulation.
logical library. A logical library represents a set of
tape volumes and tape drives that are a subset of all
tape volumes and drives in a 3494 library. Each logical
library within a 3494 library has a unique library
sequence number identifying the logical library.
logical volume. A logical volume is a customer data
volume which is stored on a stacked volume. A logical
volume is not directly accessible by a host program.
The volume serial number of the logical volume is not
externally visible to a human or machine.
magazine. A container residing in a storage frame.
Each container consists of storage cells for holding tape
manual mode. A mode of operation, where the
operator, under the direction of the library manager,
manually locates and moves cartridges to and from tape
drives and storage cells. This mode allows data to be
retrieved when normal tape library operations are
interrupted by unexpected conditions.
menu. A panel containing a list of functions available
for selection.
mount. A host command to load a cartridge into a
tape unit.
mount from input station. A function available
through the Commands pull-down on the library
manager. It allows transient cartridges outside the
library to be mounted on devices within the library and
is used to support stand-alone programs that do not
require the support of a full operating system.
Glossary 343