Find Logical Volume’s Home
The Find Logical Volume’s Home pop-up window allows you to find which stacked
volume a logical volume resides on. See Figure 85 for a sample window.
Enter the logical volume’s Volser in the edit field then select the “Find” button. A
message “Search in progress” is displayed while the search is occurring. The
appropriate VTS is interrogated for where the logical volume resides.
The stacked volume’s Volser is displayed on the panel if the search is successful
and the logical volume does reside on a stacked volume.
Messages describing why the search failed are displayed if the search is not
The Find Logical Volume’s Home panel contains push-buttons for the following
Find Initiates the search for the logical volume’s home
Close the Find Logical Volume’s Home pop-up window.
Help Display a help panel with information about the Find Logical Volume’s
Home window.
Figure 85. Find Logical Volume’s Home Pop-Up Window
144 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide