Provides various subsystem options (see “Using the Options Pull-Down” on
page 226).
Help Provides general help (see “Using the Help Pull-Down” on page 94).
See “Key Functions” on page 96 for a listing of the keys associated with the
Operator menu.
Using the Mode Pull-Down
Use the Mode pull-down (see Figure 44) to change the Operating mode of the
3494. The Mode pull-down shows the current Operating mode and state of the
3494 by using check marks next to appropriate line items. When you select a new
mode or state, the check marks are moved to the new line items.
The Mode pull-down selections are as follows:
Auto Selects automated operation. (See “Auto” on page 100.)
Pause Pauses cartridge accessor motion. (See “Pause” on page 100.)
Places the 3494 in Manual mode. (See “Manual” on page 101.)
Allows the 3494 to accept host commands. (See “Online” on page 101.)
Causes the 3494 to reject host commands. (See “Offline” on page 103.)
Service menu
Displays the service menu. (See “Service Menu” on page 104.)
Figure 44. Mode Pull-Down Menu
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 99