
Search through the help windows.
Expand or contract the list of available help windows or display the list of
help windows you have viewed during the session.
Help Provide help to use the Help facility.
If you select Contents from the Options pull-down menu, the contents window
appears. This window lists all the available help topics. A plus sign (+) next to a
topic indicates that additional entries are available for that topic. Click on the plus
sign to see the complete list. If you are using a keyboard, press the Up or Down
arrow key to highlight the topic and then press the + key.
Words and phrases that are highlighted indicate that help is available for that topic.
Highlighting can be words in reverse text (text with white letters on a black
background) or words set off in a different color. To select, move the pointing device
arrow to the reverse text topic and double-click. (See “Selections with the Pointing
Device” on page 92 for instructions to use the pointing device to make selections.)
To make a keyboard selection, tab to the highlighted word and press Enter. (See
“Selections with the Keyboard” on page 92 for instructions to use the keyboard to
make selections.)
If you want to view a topic, double-click on the topic (or select and press Enter).
After selecting a topic, the information for that topic appears in a window. The topic
title appears at the top of the window to remind you of the topic being viewed.
To close a help window, press the Esc key. The previous help topic appears if one
is available. If not, the previous window appears.
To exit the Help facility without viewing previous help topics, click on Close from the
system menu pull-down menu, press Ctrl+F4, press Alt+F4, press Esc, or
double-click on the system menu icon.
Note: When two keys are joined with +, for example, Ctrl+F4, press and hold Ctrl,
press F4, and then release F4 and Ctrl.
You can also move the pointing device arrow to the sign in the upper left-hand
corner of the help window and double-click with the pointing device button. (See
“Selections with the Pointing Device” on page 92 for instructions to use the pointing
device to make selections.)
Key Functions
The following keys are available for use with the library manager:
F1 Displays the help window.
F2 Displays extended help (general help information) from within the currently
displayed help window.
F3 Initiates shutdown procedures.
F9 Displays a list of keys from within any help window.
F10 Activates the pop-up window action bar.
F11 or Shift+F1
Displays the Help index from within any help window.
96 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide