
Free Storage
is the total capacity of all empty stacked volumes in the library
calculated by using a compression ratio as described for Maximum Active Data
above. Partially filled stacked volumes are not included in this calculation. Free
Storage gives an indication of how much data from the Tape Volume Cache can be
added to stacked volumes currently in the VTS.
Free Storage Alarm Level
is a threshold to warn you when to add more stacked
volumes to the VTS library. If the number of empty stacked volumes available is
less than the number of stacked volumes required to store the amount of Tape
Volume Cache data specified by the Free Storage Threshold (GB), the Library
Manager signals an intervention required condition to notify the operator to add
more stacked volumes. You can modify the alarm threshold on the Library
Manager’s VTS Management Policies window. See “Set VTS Management Policies”
on page 167 for more information.
The VTS Active Data window has the following pull-downs available from its action
Refreshes or updates the contents of the window immediately. You can also
click the pointing device on the client area of the window.
Help Provides help about the VTS Active Data window.
To close the window, select Close from the system menu icon (upper-left corner of
the window).
124 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide