
10005A1E3338, or a locally administered address (LAA), such as
400012345678. Only hexadecimal digits can be entered. Blank spaces are
Ethernet Format Check Box
If the adapter address is in Ethernet Format, check this box.
XID (optional)
(Exchange ID) This is an optional field. If left blank, the XID will be assigned
a value of 00000000. If an XID value is entered, it must be either five or
eight hexadecimal bytes. If only five bytes are entered, the prefix 05D will
be used.
Note: XID is optional for APPC and APPC/VTAM hosts. Not applicable for
TCP/IP hosts.
Note: If the host is AS/400, the following commands on the AS/400 will provide the
information needed to update the Change LAN Host Information screen:
v If the AS/400 operating system is less than version V3R6, use
DSPLANMLD, Display LAN Information.
v If the AS/400 operating system is version V3R6, or higher, use
DSPLANMLB, Display LAN Media Library Information.
The following are the push-buttons on the Change Host Information pop-up window:
OK Update the LAN host information using the changes entered on this
Close the panel without updating the host information.
Help Display the help panel.
Figure 125 on page 197 shows the Change Host Information pop-up window for
APPC/VTAM hosts. This pop-up window allows information about a LAN host to be
changed in the 3494 configuration. When this is done, the 3494 responds to the
host with the new configuration data.
196 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide