Table 3. Volume Categories (continued)
(in hex) Name Definition
FFF6 Service volume, 3590
Set when the library manager detects that a volume
has a unique service volser. Volsers that fit the mask
CE xxx (where xxx represents any valid volser
characters) are service volumes. The imbedded blank
makes these labels unique from customer volumes.
Normally, service cartridges have volsers with the
prefix CE (for example, CE 099). The specific cell
location is predefined. The host does not have a
record of a volume in the service volume category. The
volumes in this category are not reported in inventory
data in response to a request from the host.
FFF7 Mount from input
Volumes to be used in a mount from the input station
operation are placed in this category during the
FFF8 — Reserved
FFF9 Service volume,
3490E only
Set when the library manager detects that a volume
has a unique service volser. Volsers that fit the mask
CE xxx (where xxx represents any valid volser
characters) are service volumes. The imbedded blank
makes these labels unique from customer volumes.
Normally, service cartridges have volsers with the
prefix CE (for example, CE 099). The specific cell
location is predefined. The host does not have a
record of a volume in the service volume category. The
volumes in this category are not reported in inventory
data in response to a request from the host.
FFFA Manually ejected Assigned to this category if the cartridge that was in
the inventory is not found.
— Reserved
FFFD Cleaner volume (3590
use only)
Assigned to this category when the cleaner volumes
are identified by the library manager. Cleaner volumes
are recognized when their volser matches a mask set
up by the operator through the library manager
console. (See “Cleaner Volume Masks” on page 172.)
The host does not have a record of volumes in the
cleaner volume category. Volumes in this category are
not reported in inventory data in response to a request
from the host. The vision uses the media type label to
determine that a cleaner cartridge is a 3590 type.
FFFE Cleaner volume
(3490E use only)
Assigned to this category when the cleaner volumes
are identified by the library manager. Cleaner volumes
are recognized when their volser matches a mask set
up by the operator through the library manager
console. (See “Cleaner Volume Masks” on page 172.)
The host does not have a record of volumes in the
cleaner volume category. Volumes in this category are
not reported in inventory data in response to a request
from the host. The vision uses the media type label to
determine that a cleaner cartridge is a 3490 type.
FFFF Volser specific Set by the control program. Any tape mount request to
this category must be for a specific volser, not based
on the category.
Chapter 3. Operational Characteristics 51