Reuse of Exported Stacked Volumes
Once all of the logical volumes on an Exported Stacked Volume have been
imported into a VTS subsystem, the Exported Stacked Volume can be re-used for
any 3590 application. No cleanup or special processing is required; however, the
Exported Stacked Volumes remain in the Import category until operator action is
taken. It is up to the customer to determine when all of the logical volumes on an
Exported Stacked Volume have been imported or are no longer needed and that
the physical volume can be re-used as a stacked volume in a VTS or for native use
on a 3590 subsystem. This would normally be determined by using the tape
management system to check that there are no logical volumes contained on a
physical volume previously used as an Exported Stacked Volume. For example, the
RMM SEARCHVOLUME command can be used to make this determination as
where xxxxxx is the volser of the Exported Stacked Volume in question.
If no volumes are returned, all of the logical volumes on the Exported Stacked
Volume have been imported and the volume may be re-used.
Reuse of the physical volumes is accomplished with operator action by using a
library manager console Manage Import Volumes pop-up window to move the
Exported Stacked Volumes out of the Import category. (See Figure 130 on
page 204.) Once they are moved out of the Import category, one of the following
will happen:
v The volumes are moved into the Insert category if they are to be used as scratch
stacked volumes in a VTS within the current physical library. The volser of the
physical volumes must fall in the range assigned for stacked volumes in the
library partition the volumes are to go into. If they are not in a range assigned for
stacked volumes, the volumes are entered into the library for native 3590 usage
as the default.
v The volumes are moved into the Insert category if they are to be used as native
3590 cartridges. The volsers of the physical volumes must fall in the range
assigned for native 3590 use. If they are not in a range assigned for 3590 native
use, the volumes are entered into the library for native 3590 usage as the
v Otherwise, the volumes are ejected for other use or later disposition. Exported
Stacked Volumes may be placed in the Convenience I/O station at any time, they
will be moved into the library in the Unassigned category, and the Manage
Unassigned Volumes pop-up window may then be used by the operator to
change the category to Import or Insert, or to eject the volume.
Appendix B. Virtual Tape Server Import/Export Advanced Function 335