Shutdown Pending State to Shutdown State
During this change, the library manager application is removed from memory.
Shutdown State to Library Manager Initialization State
This change occurs when the library manager controller is powered on or when a
severe error occurs.
Library Manager Initialization State to Initialization Complete State
After the library manager starts the main process of the library manager application,
the tape library enters the initialization complete state. No actions are taken during
this change.
Offline State to Online State
The request to enter the Online state can be either operator or library manager
initiated. In either case, the following steps are performed during the transition:
1. The database is examined to determine if both the teach and the inventory
operations have completed. The tape library cannot enter the Online state
unless they have completed.
2. The status of the interfaces to the tape subsystems and host systems is
examined to determine whether any interfaces are initialized with the library
manager. If at least one of the tape subsystems interfaces is initialized and the
associated control unit is Online to the library manager, the tape library enters
the Online state and notifies all attached hosts. If no interfaces are initialized,
the tape library enters the Online state but does not send a notification.
3. If a VTS is installed, the Library Manager checks for defined “Fast-Ready”
categories. If none are found, a message stating that Fast-Ready categories
should be defined is displayed for 1 minute or until OK is selected. Notify your
system administrator if you see this message.
Online State to Offline State
A request to enter the Offline state is initiated by an operator. After it is requested,
the transition must complete before a transition to the Online state can be
requested. The following actions are performed during the change to the Offline
1. A notification is sent to all attached hosts indicating that the tape library is
entering the Offline state. The 3490E/3590 control units, Virtual Tape Servers,
and the Library Managerwill fail any later host requests for tape library functions.
2. All host requests that were accepted and queued before the request to enter the
Offline state are processed. Responses are provided to the requesting host as
3. All internal commands queued before the request to enter the Offline state will
complete and, if errors are detected, appropriate host notifications are
4. After all queued commands are completed and responses are sent, the tape
library enters the Offline state.
Note: The change from the Online to the Offline state can take more than ten
minutes if a high-capacity output operation was started before the request to
72 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide