
Setting Up a DMS Environment
This chapter describes how to use the dmu utility to add software to a DMS
environment and how to configure the environment. The following topics
are discussed:
Ensuring version compatibility between DMS servers and clients
(Section 11.1)
Installing software into a new DMS area (Section 11.2)
Adding software into an existing DMS environment (Section 11.3)
Customizing and configuring a DMS environment (Section 11.4)
Installing WLS support in DMS (Section 11.5)
11.1 Ensuring DMS Server and Client Compatibility
If you are installing this version of the operating system into a DMS
environment and the DMS server is running a previous version of the
operating system, you must perform the following procedure:
1. Log in to the DMS server as root or use the su command to gain
superuser privileges.
2. Insert the Operating System Volume 1 CD-ROM into the drive, then
mount the CD-ROM.
If your server is running the current version of the operating system,
use a command similar to the following example:
# mount -rd /dev/disk/cdrom0c /mnt
This example mounts a CD-ROM drive that is device 0 on the mount
point /mnt.
If your server is running an earlier version of the operating system,
use a command similar to the following example:
# mount -rd /dev/rz4c /mnt
This example uses a CD-ROM drive that is unit 4 and specifies
/mnt as the mount point.
If your drive is a different unit, substitute the correct device name. The
mount point does not have to be /mnt.
See Section 1.3 if you do not know the CD-ROM drive’s unit number.
Setting Up a DMS Environment 11–1