
You see the following prompt:
Choose one of the following options:
1) Extract software from /HWKIT/MYVGA/kit
2) Create symbolic link to /HWKIT/MYVGA/kit
Enter your choice:
9. Select 1 to extract the software. You see the following prompt:
The subsets listed below are optional:
There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single
screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen
or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will
be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are extracted.
1) MYVGA Test kit
Or you may choose one of the following options:
2) ALL of the above
3) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
4) EXIT without extracting any subsets
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):
10. Select 1 (in this example) to select the subset. You see the following
You are extracting the following optional subsets:
MYVGA Test kit
Is this correct? (y/n):
11. Select y to confirm your selection. You see a prompt similar to the
Checking file system space required to extract selected subsets:
File system space checked OK.
Extracting MYGASTATIC100...
Media extraction complete.
The following software now exists in RIS product area
1 Tru64 UNIX V5.1A Operating System (Rev
with MYVGASTATIC software version 1
2 MYVGASTATIC software version 1
The hardware product kit now is installed into the newly-created RIS
product area.
Setting Up a RIS Area 4–9