9.3.3 Client Portion of DMS Area
A DMS client area for individual DMS client systems also resides in a
DMS area. Figure 9–3 shows a DMS client area named /clients. Place
this DMS client area in its own partition after you calculate the required
size with the worksheets in Appendix B. Next, add the mount point of the
/clients DMS client area to the /etc/fstab file.
Figure 9–3: DMS Client Area
Multiple copies of the root file system reside in the client area, one for
each client, tailored from the generic root file system. Each client builds a
customized kernel, which resides in the client’s root area if the client has
a partial or full build environment. This customized kernel supports the
client’s actual system configuration, including central processor, system
memory, and peripheral devices. Figure 9–3 shows two client root areas,
named ClientA and ClientB. Each client sees its private root area and the
shared /usr area from the /var/adm/dms environment as local, although
these areas are actually on the DMS server and are accessed through NFS.
Figure 9–4 shows how clients share /usr and have their own root file system.
You can establish multiple client areas but they must reside in different
9.3.4 Characteristics of DMS Clients
Clients do not have access to the entire DMS area. Each DMS client has
access to the root area assigned to it on the server.
Common system files residing in the /usr area are shared among all the
clients registered to that particular /var/adm/dms environment. Mounted
with read-only access for the clients, this shared area is protected from
erroneous client activity. Figure 9–4 shows this concept.
Dataless Management Services 9–5