
Example 7–1: Sample RIS Client Profile Set Registration (cont.)
Network type:
1) Ethernet or FDDI
2) Token Ring
Enter your choice: 1
Enter the client processors hardware network address. For
example, 08-00-2b-02-67-e1: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
Client pubs08 has been added.
*** RIS Utility Main Menu ***
a) ADD a client
d) DELETE software products
i) INSTALL software products
l) LIST registered clients
m) MODIFY a client
r) REMOVE a client
s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments
Enter your choice: x
If the CDF in the profile set you select requires software subsets that do not
exist in the selected RIS environment, you see the following message:
The selected CDF, /var/adm/ris/clients/sets/techpubs/install.cdf, specifies
software subsets that are not present in the selected RIS environment. The
missing software subsets are:
subsetname1 subsetname2 subsetname3
subsetname4 subsetname5 subsetname6
Please select a different set.
This RIS server has the following Installation Profile Sets available:
sys_admin engineering support techpubs accounting
Enter a set name or press <Return> to exit set selection:
Either choose a different profile set or exit without selecting a profile set. If
necessary, you can modify the RIS client to select a different RIS environment
or add the product containing the required subsets to the RIS area.
7.4 Converting Old Configuration Description Files
If you had existing CDFs in the /var/adm/ris/clients/cdf directory, RIS
must convert the old CDFs into profile sets. The first time you invoke the ris
utility after you install this version of the operating system, the ris utility
creates new profile set directories in the /var/adm/ris/clients/sets
directory and copies the old CDFs into these profile sets, renaming them if
necessary. You may see conversion messages similar to the following:
Managing RIS Profile Sets 7–5