
Managing RIS Profile Sets
A profile set is a logically organized subdirectory of the
/var/adm/ris/clients/sets directory on a RIS server. It contains
configuration description files (CDFs) and user-supplied files that can be
invoked during a Full Installation and used for Installation Cloning. When
you register a RIS client for a RIS area, you can specify a profile set that
contains CDFs or user-supplied files that you want to execute when you
install software from the RIS area.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
Creating profile set directories (Section 7.2)
Registering RIS clients for profile sets (Section 7.3)
Converting old configuration description files (Section 7.4)
Determining a RIS client’s profile set registration (Section 7.5)
Removing a RIS client’s profile set registration (Section 7.6)
Deleting profile sets from the RIS server (Section 7.7)
7.1 Overview
A profile set can contain one or more of the following files:
The install.cdf file is used for Installation Cloning.
This file is generated in the /var/adm/smlogs directory when you
install the current version of the operating system with the Full
Installation process. It contains a record of the file system layout, host-
and site-specific information, and the software that was installed during
a Full Installation. This information can be used to clone the same
installation on other systems with similar hardware.
The config.cdf file is used for Configuration Cloning.
This file contains network, internet, printer, and mail configuration
information that has been saved from a fully installed and configured
system. Use the sysman -clone -save command to create the
config.cdf file whenever you want to save configuration information.
The config.cdf file can be applied to a target system during a Full
Installation, or it can be applied manually to a running system.
Managing RIS Profile Sets 7–1