Reserve additional space for any other software products you plan to install
later. These products’ space requirements must be factored into the 10
percent overhead allocation.
10.6.2 Estimating Disk Space for Clients
You must reserve disk space in the /clients file system on the server for
clients’ root areas. The amount of disk space required depends upon the type
of kernel build you choose for the client.
See the second DMS worksheet in Appendix B to calculate the amount of
space needed for a /clients area.
10.6.3 Considering Types of Kernel Builds
When you are adding clients to a DMS environment, you have the option
to choose: no build, full build, or partial build kernel support. When
determining the amount of space required by a client, you must keep in mind
the type of build support you choose for the client.
Clients’ volatile files, such as those in the /tmp, /var/spool, /var/sys,
and /var/adm directories are located in the individual client’s root area.
The client’s root area requires a minimum of 40 Mb of disk space. Use the
following guidelines for estimating disk space requirements, in addition to
the 30 Mb minimum required by the client:
• No build support
This type of kernel build is not recommended. Providing no build area
means that the clients cannot build kernels and must run the Generic
DATALESS kernel supplied by the system administrator. No build
support is available only when the server and client are on the same
version of the operating system. Additionally, no build support kernel
build type does not allow the client to build a customized kernel. If you
choose no build support, you do not need to allow for extra disk space
other than the required minimum 30 Mb.
• Full build support
A full build area creates an entire /sys area for the client and consumes
the most disk space. You should select this option if the client modifies
kernel objects and performs kernel builds. If you choose a full build,
allow an additional 100 Mb for each client’s root area.
• Partial build support
Default for clients running Version 3.2C or higher of the operating system
A partial build area creates a build area that contains only configuration
data. All kernel objects are obtained from the server. You should select
this type of build if the client performs kernel builds but does not modify
10–6 Preparing DMS Servers and Clients