3. Enter d to select DELETE software environments. You see a prompt
similar to the following example, which lists three DMS environments:
Select the remote dataless environment:
1) /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha
’Tru64 UNIX VAAA Operating System (Rev nnn)’
2) /var/adm/dms/dms1.alpha
’Tru64 UNIX VBBB Operating System (Rev nnn)’
3) /var/adm/dms/dms2.alpha
’Tru64 UNIX VCCC Operating System (Rev nnn)’
Enter your choice:
4. Enter the number that corresponds to the DMS environment you want
to delete, for example: 1. You see a prompt similar to the following:
After you select the dataless environment to delete, a confirmation
displays your choice:
The following environment will be deleted from
’Tru64 UNIX VAAA Operating System (Rev nnn)’
Is that correct? (y/n) [y]:
5. Confirm your selection.
• If you enter n, the dmu utility returns to the DMU Main Menu.
• If you enter y, you see a prompt similar to the following:
After this deletion, the area /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha will
be empty. The following clients are registered for
client1 client2 client3
This procedure will completely remove /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha.
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [n]:
– If you enter n, the dmu utility returns to the DMU Main Menu
and does not delete the environment or its registered clients.
– If you enter y, you see a prompt similar to the following:
Do you want to remove the client’s root file system
[/clients/client1]? (y/n) [n]:
This is your opportunity to save customized data in the root
directory. If you enter n, all customized data in the root directory
is lost.
12–8 Managing DMS Clients and Environments