) MODIFY a client
) REMOVE a client
s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments
Enter your choice:
3. Enter a to select ADD a client. You see the following prompt:
You have chosen to add a client for remote installation services.
The following conditions must be met to add a client:
1. You must know the client processor’s hostname.
2. The client’s hostname must be in your system’s host
3. You must know whether the client is on an Ethernet, FDDI,
or Token Ring network.
4. You must know the client’s hardware Ethernet, FDDI, or
Token Ring address if the client is registering to install
operating system software.
5. If the client and the server reside on different subnets,
you will need the address of the gateway(s)
that the client can use to communicate with the server.
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [y]:
4. Enter
y to continue. You see the following prompt:
Enter the client processor’s hostname: client1
5. Enter the client’s host name.
___________________ Caution ___________________
Only lowercase letters (a-z), numerals (0-9), and the period
(.) and dash (-) characters are permitted in host names,
which must begin with a letter. Invalid host names can
corrupt the RIS database. The client must not be registered
on another RIS or DMS server as a client.
The client processor must be registered with the appropriate
naming service (Section 6.1.2) or you cannot register the
client with RIS. If the client is not registered with the
appropriate naming service, the ris utility displays an error
message and repeats the prompt.
6. What you see next depends upon whether you have hardware product
kits installed on your RIS server.
• If you do not have hardware product kits installed on your RIS
server, you see a prompt similar to the following, which shows (in
this example) two RIS environments:
Managing RIS Clients and Environments 6–3