14 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
dbspace blob page 2-146
dbspace page 2-120
page-header and page-ending
pair 2-44, 2-121
role in
data consistency 2-44
synchronizing buffer
flushing 2-74
role of checkpoint timestamp in
archive 4-33
Tip icons Intro-9
address 9-59
atomicity in IBM Informix
STAR 9-18
flags 9-60
global transaction definition 9-18
global transaction identification
number, GTRID 9-59
isolation levels 9-62
killing with tbmode -Z 7-69
logging 1-26
maximum number on a
checkpoint record 1-33
monitoring 3-86
multiserver modifications under
IBM Informix STAR 9-17
piece of work, definition of 9-18
relationship to user
processes 2-29
rolling back blobspace
activity 4-24
shared-memory table 2-54
tracking status with tbstat -u 9-58
description of 1-17
initial configuration value 1-33
Two-phase commit protocol
automatic recovery 9-23
coordinator definition 9-18
coordinator recovery 9-23
definition of 9-18
description of 9-19
determining database
consistency 9-51
errors and corrective actions 9-43
global transaction definition 9-18
global transaction identification
number 9-59
coordinator recovery 9-25
heuristic end-transaction 9-50
heuristic rollback 9-49
logical log records for
commit 9-46
participant recovery 9-28
simple protocol to commit 9-21
simple protocol to roll back 9-22
independent action, definition
of 9-29
logical log records 9-44
manual recovery procedure 9-51
manual recovery, definition
of 9-29
participant recovery 9-26
participant, definition of 9-18
phases defined 9-19
piece of work, definition of 9-18
optimization 9-20
presumed-abort optimization,
implications of 9-29
requirements for flushing logical
log records 9-47
role of current server 9-18
terminology 9-18
TXTIMEOUT parameter
description of 1-17, 9-58
mentioned 9-27, 9-41
UNIX devices
creating a link to a pathname 1-48
ownership, permissions on
character-special 1-48
when are offsets needed 1-48
UNIX error message format 1-60
UNIX files
ownership, permissions on
cooked files 1-47
using for data storage 1-41
UNIX kernel parameters
description of 2-18
evaluating during initial
configuration 1-49
UNIX kill -9 command 2-32
UNIX link command 1-48
UNIX pipe 2-31
UNIX scripts to start up and shut
down IBM Informix
OnLine 1-56
UNLOAD statement
migrating with LOAD or
dbload 4-60
overview of migration
methods 4-52
User guidelines to improve
performance 5-8
User process
acquiring a buffer 2-60
attaching to shared memory 2-24
changing maximum
number 3-114
critical sections of code 2-28
description of 1-18, 2-22
example of virtual address
space 2-23
killing a process holding a
latch 2-43
mirror-recovery process 4-15
relationship to transactions 2-29
shared-memory table 2-54
status and state 2-29
status codes 7-99
type flags 2-30
virtual address space 2-22
user root, installation tasks 1-10
USERS parameter
changing 3-114
description of 1-18
initial configuration value 1-33
tuning for performance 5-15
overview of all utilities 7-5
dbexport 7-5
dbimport 7-10
dbload 7-15
dbschema 7-32
tbinit 7-45
tbload 7-47
tblog 7-51
tbmode 7-64
tbparams 7-70
tbspaces 7-73
tbstat 7-78