
8-22 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Alphabetized Messages
The number of transactions that were committed
The number of transactions that were rolled back
The number of transactions that were left open or unresolved (appli-
cable for users of IBM Informix STAR or IBM Informix TP/XA)
The number of transactions that were unable to acquire locks needed
to complete the transaction (These transactions are considered open.)
Log Record: log = nn, pos = 0xn, type = nn, trans = nn
OnLine detected an error during the rollforward portion of fast recovery or
data restore. The log record that caused the error is identified as follows:
log is the logical log logid where the record is stored.
pos is the hexadecimal address position within the log.
type is the logical log record type.
trans is the transaction number that appears in the tblog output.
Memory Lock failed in Async Chunk Initialization pathname, errno = nn
OnLine detected an error during an operating system ioctl() call. The UNIX
error number is returned. Refer to your operating system documentation.
Mixed transaction result. (pid=nn user=userid)
(This message is only received by users of the IBM Informix STAR product.)
This message indicates that a database server process in the postdecision
phase of a two-phase commit transaction has been heuristically rolled back
and the global transaction has been implemented inconsistently. The pid
value is the user process identification number of the coordinator process.
The user value is the user ID associated with the coordinator process. Refer
to page 9-39.
newmode: Invalid page type of 0xn
OnLine detected that this page type is invalid for this tblspace. Most likely,
the page is uninitialized or corrupted in some way. The page type is a
hexadecimal value representing page flags from the page header. Please
contact Informix technical support for additional assistance resolving this