
1-8 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Upgrade an Earlier Version of OnLine
Create a Level-0 Archive
Ask all users to exit their applications before you begin the upgrade
procedure. (Perform a graceful shutdown by executing tbmode -s from the
command line.) Create a level-0 archive of your current OnLine system. Keep
a copy of your current configuration file for reference.
Load the Software and Execute the install Script
Take OnLine to offline mode. (Execute tbmode -ky.) Verify that you are
logged in as user root. (The script installs OnLine 5.x into the $INFORMIXDIR
directory specified for user root.)
Instructions for loading the software and executing the installation script are
contained in the UNIX Products Installation Guide. OnLine 5.x overwrites any
OnLine database server products that might exist in the $INFORMIXDIR
Initialize Shared Memory
Log out as user root and log in again as user informix. Reinitialize OnLine
shared memory from the DB-Monitor Parameters menu, Shared-Memory
option, or from the command line (execute tbinit). When you initialize
shared memory, your current OnLine configuration file is updated for
OnLine 5.x. If you do not specify values for the new parameters, default
values are assigned.
If you are unfamiliar with the shared-memory initialization procedure, turn
to page 3-8.