
Index 9
LRU_MAX_DIRTY parameter
description of 1-15
how to calculate value 2-59
initial configuration value 1-37
role in buffer pool
management 2-59
tuning for performance 5-17
LRU_MIN_DIRTY parameter
description of 1-15
how to calculate value 2-60
initial configuration value 1-38
role in buffer pool
management 2-59
tuning for performance 5-17
LTAPEBLK parameter
changing block size 3-21
description of 1-15
initial configuration value 1-30
LTAPEDEV parameter
changing pathname 3-18
description of 1-15
initial configuration value 1-30
separate device from
setting to /dev/null 3-17
syntax for remote device 3-19
LTAPESIZE parameter
changing tape size 3-22
description of 1-15
initial configuration value 1-31
LTXEHWM parameter
description of 1-15
initial configuration value 1-38
scenario of long transaction 2-160
LTXHWM parameter
description of 1-15
initial configuration value 1-38
scenario of long transaction 2-159
Machine notes Intro-18
Magic number 2-48
Message log
alphabetical listing of
messages 8-4
messages 4-8
description of 8-3
initial configuration value 1-28
monitoring 3-82
choosing among methods 4-57
dbexport utility 7-5
dbimport utility 7-10
dbload utility 7-15
dbschema utility 7-32
IBM Informix OnLine data to IBM
Informix SE 4-65
IBM Informix SE data to IBM
Informix OnLine 4-66
illustration of four methods 4-56
overview of methods 4-52 to 4-56
tbload utility 7-47
tbunload utility 7-107
MIRROR parameter
changing 3-104
description of 1-16
initial configuration value 1-24
activity during processing 4-16
changing chunk status 3-101
description of 4-14
enabling 3-104
ending 3-105
flags defined 3-106
if the dbspace holds logical log
files 4-15
initial configuration
guidelines 1-24
recommended disk layout 1-46
recovering a down chunk 3-101
recovery activity 4-17
reserved page information 2-101
starting 3-105
structure of a mirror chunk 2-92
when mirroring begins 4-15
when mirroring ends 4-17
description of 1-16
initial configuration value 1-25
when is it needed 1-48
MIRRORPATH parameter
description of 1-16
initial configuration value 1-24
specify a link pathname 1-24
MLRU queue
description of 2-57
role in buffer modification 2-63
description of 3-6
graceful shutdown 3-10
immediate shutdown 3-11
offline from any mode 3-12
offline to online 3-8
offline to quiescent 3-8
online to quiescent,
gracefully 3-10
online to quiescent,
immediately 3-11
quiescent to online 3-9
reinitializing shared memory 3-8
taking offline 3-12
Monitoring OnLine
archive history 3-61
blobs in blobspaces 3-63
blobs in dbspaces 3-65
blobspace storage efficiency 5-5
caching percentages 5-10
checkpoints 3-69
chunks 3-70
configuration parameter
values 3-73
data rows 3-77
databases 3-74
dbspaces 3-75
disk pages 3-77
extents 3-78
index information 3-79
latches 3-84
logical log files 3-80
message log 3-82
page-cleaning activity 5-17
pages written per I/O 5-11
profile of activity 3-83
rowid 3-77
shared-memory buffer-pool
activity 3-68
shared-memory buffers 3-66
shared-memory segments 3-84
tblspace number 3-78
tblspaces 3-85
transactions 3-86
user processes 3-86