
Operating OnLine 3-3
Change Pathname of Archive Tape Device ..........3-52
Change Block Size of Archive Tape Device ..........3-55
Change Tape Size of Archive Tape Device ..........3-56
Create an Archive, Any Type...............3-57
If the Logical Log Files Fill During an Archive.........3-59
Two Tape Drives..................3-59
One Tape Drive ..................3-60
If an Archive Terminates Prematurely ...........3-60
Monitor OnLine Activity .................3-61
Monitor Archive History ................3-61
Monitor Blobs in a Blobspace ..............3-63
Monitor Blobs in a Dbspace ...............3-65
Monitor Buffers ...................3-66
tbstat -b.....................3-66
tbstat -X ....................3-66
tbstat -B.....................3-67
tbstat -p.....................3-67
Monitor Buffer-Pool Activity...............3-68
tbstat -F.....................3-68
tbstat -R ....................3-69
tbstat -D ....................3-69
Monitor Checkpoints .................3-69
Monitor Chunks ...................3-70
Monitor Configuration Information ............3-73
Monitor Databases ..................3-74
Monitor Dbspaces ..................3-75
Monitor Disk Pages ..................3-77
Monitor Extents ...................3-78
Monitor Index Information ...............3-79
Monitor Logging Activity ................3-80
Monitor the Message Log ................3-82
Monitor OnLine Profile.................3-83
Monitor Shared Memory and Latches............3-84
Monitor Tblspaces ..................3-85
Monitor Users and Transactions..............3-86