
Operating OnLine 3-23
Change Maximum Number of Logical Log Files
From the Command Line
1. To change the value of LTAPESIZE, use an editor to edit the file
specified by $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$TBCONFIG.
2. Change the value of LTAPESIZE to the new tape size, expressed in
Change Maximum Number of Logical Log Files
The maximum number of logical log files is specified as LOGSMAX in the
configuration file.
Do not confuse the maximum number of logical log files with the actual
number of log files. You specify the actual number of log files during the
initial configuration as LOGFILES. Thereafter, OnLine tracks the number and
adjusts the value of LOGFILES as you add or drop log files.
To obtain the current value of LOGSMAX, examine your copy of the config-
uration file or select the Parameter menu, Shared-Memory option and look at
the value in the field:
Max # of Logical Logs.
To obtain the actual number of log files in your current configuration, either
execute tbstat -l or select the Status menu, Logs option.
You can change the maximum number of logical log files while OnLine is in
online mode, but it will not take effect until you reinitialize shared memory
(take OnLine offline and then bring it to quiescent mode).
If you are logged in as user informix, you can change the value of LOGSMAX
from within DB-Monitor or from the command line. If you are logged in as
root, you must use the command-line option.