
2-10 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
What Happens During Shared-Memory Initialization
Disk Space Commands
You can direct OnLine to initialize disk space (and automatically initialize
shared memory) in any one of three ways:
tbinit -i (UNIX command line)
tbinit -i -s (UNIX command line)
Parameters menu, Initialize option (DB-Monitor)
When you initialize disk space, all existing data on the disk you are initial-
izing is destroyed.
If you use only the -i option, OnLine is left in online mode after initialization.
If you use both the -i and -s options, OnLine is left in quiescent mode. If you
initialize OnLine via DB-Monitor, OnLine is left in quiescent mode.
What Happens During Shared-Memory Initialization
The tbinit process initializes shared memory, without initializing disk space,
when user informix or root executes any one of the following commands:
tbinit -p
tbinit -s
tbinit -p -s
You can execute any one of these commands from the UNIX prompt. If you
initialize shared memory from within DB-Monitor, the tbmonitor process
executes tbinit -s for you, either from the Parameters menu, Shared-Memory
option, or from the Mode Menu, Startup option. Refer to page 2-8 for further
information about each of the tbinit command-line options.
The following list outlines the main tasks completed during shared-memory